2014 Edition


Dates for Pindos 2014 announced

Pindos Trophy 2014 will take place around the area of Meteora, Greece the first week of November 2014.
Trophy will start at Sunday, November 2, and last race day will be Friday, November 7.


Pindos Trophy 2014 Race Data

Location: Pindos mountain range, Greece
Hosting location: Meteora, Greece
Race start: Sunday, November 2nd, 2014
Race finish: Friday, November 7, 2014


Pindos Trophy 2014 Classes

Pro Single
Experienced single car crews, with specially prepared trophy cars (fully roll-caged 4X4 cars, road-legal prototypes allowed, minimum two winches per car, extreme off-road tyres, crew must have extensive trophy experience)

Trophy Team
Teams of two prepared trophy cars (fully roll-caged 4X4 “production” cars, minimum one winch per car, extreme off-road tyres, full roll-caged)

Adventure Team
Teams of two normal production 4X4 cars, (minimum one winch per two cars, off-road tyres)